Its hard for me to believe that it is mid July already and that I have been in Atlanta for almost 4 months now. Acclimating to a new lifestyle, new surroundings and trying to find a balance with life, triathlon and forming relationships has its ups and downs. We all know the south is much different from the north, but regardless of location, I am still the same – at least I try to be. Why the post you might ask? Usually there is something that has happened or a funny story I share, but this is just babble and something I wanted to write down so I could look at it later. Enjoy the babble and read with caution as purpose, plot and reason have been left out.
So triathlon…We all know my love and admiration for my coach; Dr. Suzanne Atkinson. ( Bottom line – I trust her, fully! My biggest fear is to have a repeat of last year where I was laid up on the couch for two weeks with an overflow of Ketones in my blood…ie, severely over trained. I not only felt horrible but I was terrified! Have you ever attempted to walk up a flight of stairs and half way through your legs burn so badly that just getting to the top seems daunting and almost out of reach? Or laying in bed not sleeping because that same burning never leaves and even getting up to go to the bathroom is something that requires a self pep- talk and the theme from Rocky playing in the background? I have and I wont do it again! Here is where Suzanne comes in. Training under her expertise has been a major highlight as a triathlete!! I feel great!! I have learned an immense amount, I see gains where I never thought possible and my goals seem within reach more than ever before! I realize what a handful I am and she is courteous, responsive and “gets it!” Hmmm, “gets it”??? Let me explain.
Triathlon is a love of mine but so is life and living! I have set high goals and have aspirations to do well in my “A” race, but I also know that there is more to life then that 4:00 a.m. alarm telling me its time for masters swimming. Im not being a downer so don’t go there, actually the opposite! This post is just writing what went through my mind on my long bike ride today. (Well this and that I need more music on the mp3 because the songs started to repeat themselves…UGH!) So when I say my coach “gets it” Im talking about her responses & approach to my feedback on my training log, example: Ryan - I didn’t go to masters today because I had an awesome night with…(I need to clear it first before putting names here
Ok, moving on – my thoughts often go like a roller coaster during long rides and runs. The conglomerate of emotions that go through my mind is inconceivable and some times I wonder what the hell provoked even just half of them. But after; after I feel like a million bucks! Like everything was worked out and the questions, problems and answers all came about around 150bpm. HAHA!
I started today with sore tired legs. Could’ve been the poor sleep I had last night which is the result of having a FANTASTIC Friday night and Saturday morning.
Mile 20’ish I was well into Roswell and decided to climb a hill that I typically don’t. Inspired from watching the tour, I became a hill climber. That will be enough of that crap! But, with regard to triathlon and life I will say this; As a descender, (why is that not a word?) there are no hills I wont climb because going down the other side is so much fun!!
Miles 30 – 45 I was having fun. My legs loosened up and I was singing to my music. (which was the second time through for the songs…) There was a cyclist in the distance riding a teal Bianchi. He was moving pretty well and I was in a good mood so I decided to try and hunt him down. I literally said out loud; “lets go hunting!” Why? I don’t have a clue, its just what I was thinking. If this is confusing please go back to the start of this post and re-read the first paragraph. If that doesn’t work, please let me know and I will come over and hit you in the head with a tack hammer. Upon catching him and passing, literally within a minute he flew past me and gave me a look. I was like dude, seriously? In the name of Alpaca, drop bars are gay, you must go back to where you belong…behind me. We went back and forth for a good couple of miles then hit a stop light. We shook hands, introduced ourselves, laughed, then he went left and I turned around to head back. It was fun!
Miles 50-60 had me thinking again and without a beautiful sunrise, a confused chain or a teal Bianchi to distract me, I started to work the problems of my world out once again. I pulled into my apartment complex and carried Chicky up the stairs. There was a text awaiting me. When I saw who it was from, and even before reading it…I had the sunrise once again. I thought…today is good!!
Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what one you'll get. You got some pretty good coconut filled dark ones today, enjoy them, and remember, Coach is right, it is about balance. And workouts have their turn in our turn of life. Rock on, my friend, and awesome post. Kam