Commitment - Dedication - Desire

...I vs I

Friday, October 1, 2010

The road to Clearwater.

October 1, 2010

The recovery week is over and I have finished my first quality week of training. The best part of this week was the support I found surrounding me and the goals I have set for Clearwater. I have mentioned to many that this is a sort of Victory Lap for me as Sean put it, however I do want to perform well. I’m a competitor and therefore giving my best will always be the case. I started this week great! Felt great, had my workouts all planned out and then it happened…

Injury strikes me down once again. On Thursday, following a very intense lifting session I began my next workout - speed! My Achilles heal in all of my races has been just that, my left leg. Everything from IT band issues to knees, to plantar fasciitis and now solius. It seems I have yet to enter a race when I am completely healthy. Actually, Im unsure of what that would feel like…haha! Theres always next year. All kidding aside, it makes things very frustrating and adds to my anxiety pre-race. So its back to the pool for my run sessions at least for another two weeks. Im not complaining as I am very fortunate to have something that I can fall back on and still get my workout completed, but pool running is not the most fun or entertaining of exercises. So if anyone wants to come and join me, or just sit pool side and talk, YOU ARE ALL INVITED!!!

I want to address some other things that have come up as well. The immense outpouring of support and offers to help with my injured leg has been overwhelming. I am going to see a PT today as she offered to help me out. Thank you all! I will take others up on their offers as well. This leads into my next discussion point: support and the people who are there for you.

We all go through rough stages but one thing remains constant, the need that any person has for support. Whether you are an athlete or not, the love and support of family and friends is pivotal in achieving success. Sure you can do it on your own, but add in a cheering section and you wouldn’t believe the results! I have been lucky to have a great supporting cast of friends and family. I have also recently ran into others that will do the exact opposite. Sabotage is for losers! Let me make that clear, LOSERS. Because you or whoever cannot achieve things others can, does not mean you need to get in the way of someone else’s dreams. Set new goals for yourself. Have fun, enjoy yourself and work towards making you better. Interfering with a workout or raising anxiety in a person which makes their workout more stressful and harder is bottom line childish, feeble and bullshit! Lack of support is one thing, sabotage is another. My advice, stay clear of these types of people, let others know, stay positive, and push through. You can achieve your dreams…I am right now!

Oh, and if you need support, I am here! Call, text, email or send a smoke signal!


  1. Hope your leg feels better! Probably better to rest it more now so you can compete in Clearwater.

  2. Wow Ryan! I really don't know you all that well; but this is beautiful! Much love to you.
