Commitment - Dedication - Desire

...I vs I

Friday, October 11, 2013

EARN a Kona slot!!!

This post is going to come off in many different ways and as I read and reread, it seems to carry a negative undertone. Not my intention but perhaps the truth is- its negative. It may seem redundant- which it may be as many have said the same. And it may seem useless- which let’s face it, all of my posts are…ha!!

The big day for Ironman is this weekend. For a triathlete, this is the end all say all. Only the elite, qualified Ironman finishers get a chance at a course that is legendary. Destination- Kona, Hawaii! Race- IRONMAN World Championships!! 2.4 mile ocean swim in crystal clear, sea life abundant waters followed by a 112 mile bike in some of the nastiest cross winds, only to finish with a 26.2 mile marathon run that takes you through hot lava fields. This race is tough. Its meant to be tough. Meant for those athletes who completed an Ironman somewhere across the globe who have EARNED their spot at the start. Crazy to some but in the world of triathlon, the chance to go suffer with the best is a dream come true!!

So how do you get there? You EARN it! You go out and train early in the morning and late at night. In the rain, the cold, the hot, the sun, when others are sleeping, when others are eating, when others are going out partying…you train. There is a want and desire that pushes you to the very brink of exhaustion. Your body brakes down and injury lurks at every step and pedal stroke along the way. There is a toll that is taken by friends and family and everything that encompasses your life outside of training. There is a commitment that is unmatched in any other recreational sport. Why? To cross that finish line ahead of the rest and EARN your spot at the starting line of the greatest triathlon in the world- KONA!!!

Pretty awesome right? DAMN RIGHT!! Those dedicated people train and compete for years for a chance to hear that cannon fire and take part in this amazing race! Read on…

What I described is nothing short of the truth. Long days don’t tell the story of a journey to Kona. The journey is years long and most never make it. That work- day in and day out over years, some natural talent, a lot of money and hopefully some luck that all goes as planned on race day is what it takes to EARN one of those coveted spots.

The WTC (World Triathlon Corporation) makes qualifying tough. It should be. HOWEVER- for some- not so tough and it takes away chances for those who did EARN it. I’m talking about celebrities. Race car drivers, football players, people who ate Twinkies every day of their entire lives, chefs, actors…the list is endless. This isn’t breaking news. We see this daily. Celebs get special treatment with everything -why should this be any different. (Im not crying, if I was a celeb I would take advantage of it too…duh!!) This blog post wont change a thing and it’s not meant to. But its my blog, and <in song>  Ill bitch if I want to. Bitch if I want to… J

Hines Ward- I’m a fan! You are one incredible football player. You played your heart out for the Steelers on every down and you stayed loyal to a franchise even in the end when others would have not. BUT- you don’t deserve a shot at Kona. Let me put it in perspective for you. This is our Super Bowl, our Pro Bowl. How would you like it if Tom Hanks was lined up behind center on Super Bowl Sunday throwing to you or Justin Bieber was blocking for you? How would you like it if someone who just lost a bunch of weight took your position on 3rd and long? Or a top chef stepped in to play defensive tackle for your team as your opponents are knocking on the end zone door with a 4th & inches? You wouldn’t. Why? Because they wouldn’t deserve to be there and it would piss you off that they took your spot or a teammate’s spot on the field. This is your chance to play in a game you have dreamed about, worked for and busted your ass to get to for years! Those people didn’t EARN their spot alongside you, your team mates or have the right to fill in for you should you need a break or get injured. Are you getting my point? On Sunday you will line up alongside all of those people who DO belong there. Who did EARN their spots. Just like you worked your ass off every day to deserve that Super Bowl ring, a Pro Bowl spot and MVP awards, they did it for triathlon.

Biggest Loser- congratulations on your weight loss! I’m proud of you and hope you stick with it for the rest of your life. I also hope that you will help others who are not as fortunate to have a yearlong coach, trainer, dietician, t.v. show and getaway to help with the journey. You too are great but you didn’t EARN your spot at Kona. For someone whose life changed because of the hard work you put in, I would think you of all people should understand this.

Chef Ramsay- Great cook! Great business man! Great show! I am also a fan! My wife is a great cook. She figures out ways to feed a triathlete with an eating disorder on a daily basis. How would you feel if she took over your show?  How would you feel if your 15 Michelins were awarded to a line cook at McDonalds or Taco Bell? You wouldn’t! Why? Because they didn’t EARN them! They didn’t spend years training under master chefs in different countries. They didn’t sacrifice time for other things to learn the art of cooking the way you have. They flat out didn’t EARN it.

Is any of this making sense? I want to be clear again, that I am happy for each of you. I am a fan!! Hines- a huge fan!! I am also ecstatic that each of you has chosen to take on an event like Ironman! You bring a lot to our sport- great media coverage, sponsors and mainstream awareness. I love it!! We are glad you are here and cheering you on! We even offer to help!! Triathletes are that way. *Just not at Kona*

The issue I have is that these spots could have gone to someone who did EARN them. There are limited spots- the race can only hold so many or trust me, the money monger WTC would find a way to get more in. A couple examples of who is not there, but should be, because they did EARN those spots-

My brother, coach and friend is one of those guys that deserves to be there. He trained like I stated above. He crossed that line under ten hours and he fell short of a qualifying spot. This year he did two Ironman events on a knee without a meniscus and still came close to that qualifying time- but no dice. He deserves that spot over you.

Another friend took 3rd in her age group at Ironman Texas. A very tough day, she stuck it out and suffered through to take that last podium slot only to find out there were just two Kona slots available in the female 30-34 age group. She EARNED that coveted spot but again- no dice.

These are just two people that I know personally who deserve to be at that starting line this year but aren’t there. How many more are out there who have done the very same, came just as close or fought for years to get in and just came up a little short- many, MANY!!!- But, there seems to be plenty reserved for celebrities who didn’t EARN them.

To the WTC- I get it. I get that you are nothing more than a business. When you bought Ironman it was to make money. Adding celebs is a sure way to get media coverage, sponsors and bring in dollar bills. Just because I get it, doesn’t mean I agree with it.

This is life and not everyone gets a trophy. I have no problem with that – quite the opposite! Couldn’t agree more. It should be hard to get in and it should be coveted- which it is!! With more and more people entering the sport of triathlon, which is freakin awesome, its going to continue to get harder and further out of reach for most, but for the ones who deserve it, those spots should be there and not filled with celebrities.

Regardless of it all, Sunday will come and the greatest triathlon in the world will take place. I will be glued to the computer, checking splits and following the hard work that so many put in. I’ll be cheering for you too Hines, biggest loser and Chef Ramsay, because at the end, I am a fan and you are now a part of my triathlon family. The unfortunate part- you will never know who’s spot you took or the impact it had. You wont ever read this and your lives will continue as they are now. However- in the far off chance that you do realize your spot was one of many that could have been better filled by those amazing people who just missed it, do them a favor- take a moment in the race and acknowledge them. Give a nod to the Ironman Gods and say thank you because you are competing at the Ironman World Championships!!

Even though those people won’t be there, I can guarantee they will be cheering, watching and tracking as well- that’s what we do as triathletes. We compete and go after it, but we also support it and respect those that do accomplish it!! Except for about 5 people, this sport is not glamorous. There is no fame even when getting to Kona. Its expensive. Its time consuming. Its sacrifice and its gut checking every step of the way and that’s what we live for- day in. Day out.

Ironman is nothing short of monumental. It’s a day where everyone who completes it, remembers it forever. Good luck! Have fun! Be safe!! Enjoy it!!